Welcome to RCKa’s Small Sites research page. RCKa is a London-based architectural practice with expertise in innovative residential housing, including small-scale infill development. You can find out more about our practice here.
Frustrated by the difficulty of development on small sites in London, and convinced of their capacity to provide much-needed homes, we decided to undertake some research into the reasons why small-scale housing development is so hard. One outcome of this work was a comprehensive set of data relating to housing demand, capacity and planning policy for each London borough. We thought this might be useful to others with the same interest, so we decided to make it freely available to anyone who wants it. You can view the data for each borough by clicking on the table below.
We’ve also begun an experimental exercise to crowd-source small sites around London which may be suitable for housing development. Click here to find out how you can contribute.
Lewisham Small Sites Supplementary Planning Document
Working together with Ash Sakula architects, RCKa has been appointed by Lewisham Council to develop a Supplementary Planning Document for small sites to help encourage new housing development on plots of land below 0.25 hectares.

You can read more about, and contribute to, our work by visiting the dedicated website here.