While we’re all stuck at home on lockdown we thought it would be good idea to encourage people to use their daily walks to help identify potential land for small-scale residential development.

Across London there are thousands of pockets of disused land, disused garages and defunct workshops which could be turned into beautiful homes by small developers and talented architects. As we emerge from the coronavirus crisis it will be vital for London’s small contractors, developers and consultants to get back to work quickly, and this could provide a vital source of work.
To help move things along, we’ve used our in-house GIS software to create a map of every freehold site in London and invite people to submit an Ordnance Survey reference close to their home. We’ll send each respondent a personalised map which they can use to identify potential development sites close by. We’ll then use this information to put together an open-access database which can be used to approach potential landowners to see if a deal can be done. Here’s an example of what you can expect:
The form below can be used to submit your details. Although most of the process is automated, it may take a day or two for us to get your report out to you.
Each map shows a unique identification number for every freehold site in London: this is the Land Registry INSPIRE ID number. You can enter the INSPIRE ID of any site which interests you in the Land Registry database here to obtain the full title plan and ownership information, although there’s a £3.00 charge to Land Registry for this service.
Enter your approximate coordinates (using National Grid) within London, include your email address and we'll send you a personalised A4 map which you can use to identify the potential small development sites in your local area.
You can use this link to find your Ordnance Survey Grid easting and northing: gridreferencefinder.com