London Wards

London Borough of Hillingdon

Botwell (E05000325)

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Botwell is located within London Borough of Hillingdon and has an area of 436.3 hectares.

Map of Botwell ward
Map legend for Botwell

Ward Elections for 2018

Jack L.L. CrampConservative Party874
Isha MassonConservative Party941
Rachael StrongConservative Party908
Piotr CimaszkiewiczDuma Polska98
Cat MayneGreen Party242
Scott M. Farley - ELECTEDLabour Party2,404
Janet E. Gardner - ELECTEDLabour Party2,486
John L. Oswell - ELECTEDLabour Party2,248
Labour Party Total7,138
Conservative Party Total2,723
Green Party Total242
Duma Polska Total98