London Wards

London Borough of Southwark

Newington (E05011105)

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Newington is located within London Borough of Southwark and has an area of 77.9 hectares.

Map of Newington ward
Map legend for Newington

Ward Elections for 2018

Will AmorConservative Party257
Sue BadmanConservative Party275
Joseph A. LyonsConservative Party243
Kate BelchevaGreen Party429
Betiel MehariGreen Party337
David PowellGreen Party354
James D. Coldwell - ELECTEDLabour Party2,082
Eleanor A. Kerslake - ELECTEDLabour Party2,137
Alice Macdonald - ELECTEDLabour Party1,997
Alistair S. BigosLiberal Democrats406
James K. DoranLiberal Democrats457
Harriet E. ShoneLiberal Democrats420
Labour Party Total6,216
Liberal Democrats Total1,283
Green Party Total1,120
Conservative Party Total775