London Borough of
Hammersmith & Fulham
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham has a total area of 1,639.46 hectares. Of this, 0.00 hectares are designated greenbelt (that's 0% of the borough's total area).
The map below shows the distribution of designation green belt land within London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, together with those areas which are both green belt and within the ITP London Plan small sites policy H2 zone (either 800m from a station, high street, or PTAL 3+).
Designated Green Belt
Designated Green Belt with London Plan Policy H2 Zone
Green belt and Small Sites
According to the adopted version of the London Plan, 89.82% of London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham's area falls within the Policy H2 zone; that is either 800m from a high street or station, or in an area with PTAL 3 or more. Some of this area also coincides with designated green belt: there are 0.00 hectares of land which are both green belt and within the Policy H2 definition.